Ebbah's Sponsorship Page

Meet Ebbah (aka Harley): The Sweetest Pit Bull Mix You'll Ever Know, Ebbah is a gentle, loving pit bull mix who defies every negative stereotype about her breed. With soulful brown eyes and a tricolor coat that shimmers between soft gray and warm caramel, she embodies the true heart of a loving companion.

Personality Highlights:

- Incredibly affectionate and calm

- Rarely barks, preferring quiet communication

- Loves cuddles and close human contact

- Exceptionally well-mannered


-Rescued from a local shelter in Michigan, Ebbah quickly showed her remarkable temperament. Her previous experiences didn't diminish her trust in humans; instead, they seemed to make her more grateful and loving.

Daily Life Ebbah enjoys:

- Lots of play time and walks/ run around the neighborhood (at least 3x/ day)

- Training: she is now potty trained and has learned stay, right and left paw, come, and go commands (IF you have her attention)

- very friendly with people, and seems to get along with other dogs (but her interactions have been limited since she’s the only puppy in her foster home)

- Playing with chew toys (she has also occasionally gotten socks/ shoe laces )

- enjoys regular naps while her foster parents work/ relax at home 

Special Traits:

What makes Ebbah extraordinary is her emotional intelligence. She seems to sense when her humans need comfort, offering silent support and warm nuzzles. Her pit bull mix heritage gives her a muscular build, but her demeanor is pure gentle giant. Ebbah proves that with love, training, and understanding, pit bulls can be the most devoted, sweet-natured companions imaginable.

Ebbah's Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
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Recurring Sponsorship
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