Baron's Sponsorship Page

Meet Baron, a majestic Husky/Malamute mix with a noble spirit. At 2.5 years old and neutered, Baron is ready to start a new chapter with a family that understands his breed.

Baron is very social with other dogs and loves belly rubs. He walks well on a leash and is non-leash reactive, making him great for outings. He crates well at night, is potty trained, and knows commands like sit, shake, high five, and touch. He's eager to learn more tricks!

Baron's wooly coat requires regular brushing and professional grooming to keep him comfortable and healthy. Prospective adopters need to understand the grooming commitment and the unique needs of his breed. Baron's new home should not have children under 15, cats, or small dogs.

Requirements for Baron's new family:
- Experience with Husky/Malamute breeds
- Commitment to regular grooming
- Understanding of breed-specific behaviors and needs
- No children under 15, cats, or small dogs

If you meet these requirements, Baron could be the perfect addition to your home.

Important Note: Baron had entropion surgery to correct his eyelids. His new family should monitor his eye health as part of his ongoing care.

Baron's Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
  Sponsor $
  Sponsor $

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Recurring Sponsorship
  Amount of EACH sponsorship payment:
Repeat sponsorship payment every:
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the recurring sponsorship
after a certain number of payments?
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