Grizz â¥-ADOPTED 11.29.13's Web Page
If interested in any of our animals for adoption, or to foster an animal, please fill out the respective application here to get the process started. Visit our FAQ webpage for commonly asked questions about our adoption/foster process.Name: Grizz â¥-ADOPTED 11.29.13
Rescue ID: D130711 Status: Adopted!
Adoption Fee: 132.50
Species: Dog
Breed: Chocolate Labrador Retriever / Chesapeake Bay Retriever / Mixed (short coat)
Learn more about the Chesapeake Bay Retriever.Sex: Male (neutered)
Current Size: 90 Pounds
General Potential Size: Large
Current Age: 17 Years 6 Months (best estimate)
Good with Dogs: Yes
Housetrained: Yes
Microchipped: Yes
Special Needs: He has Cushings Disease and requires daily medication
Grizz is one of those dogs you meet and instantly fall in love with. He is mellow, gets along great with other dog and gladly receives any attention you want to bestow upon him. We are constantly laughing at Grizz- when we go to pet him he immediately assumes the “position”, on his back offering you his belly! Grizz happily co exists with my dogs and, on occasion, he wil try to play with them. Not a huge amount of play but he has his moments. Mostly Grizz just goes along with the pack and is contents to be a follower. Grizz is very mellow, rarely barks, will stay at my side while I walk him in the field behind my house. Once in a while he will wander the field to check something out but immediately comes back to my side. Grizz likes the water. I took him walking on a trail one day, stopped at a stream to let him drink…the big guy jumped right in! I was not expecting that and, let me tell you, this was the end of October and the water was cold. Grizz keeps my laughing with antics like this; he is a feel good dog. Grizz is so perfect but, unfortunately, has Cushing’s disease. This requires him to take one pill each day which I just throw into his food-Grizz does not even notice it is there and will happily gobble it up. He does require more water but in the two months I have had him he has never had an accident in my house. Grizz knows to go to the door when he needs a potty break, will do his business then come back in. He is a big lover for sure. Please consider giving this worthy guy a place in your home. If you have any questions regarding Grizz please feel free to email me at jdbuczko@wowway.com.
The petfinder.com system requires that we choose a predominant breed or breed mix for our dogs. Visual breed identification in dogs is unreliable so for most of the dogs we are only guessing at predominant breed or breed mix. We get to know each dog as an individual and will do our best to describe each of our dogs based on personality, not by breed label. Last Day Dog Rescue now microchips all animals before adoption. Microchips are implanted between the animals shoulder blades and are a permanent form of identification. The microchips are registered to Last Day Dog Rescue with the adopter's info added once adopted. If the animal is ever lost and slips his/her collar/tags the microchip allows the finder to know who to contact if scanned for a microchip. Animals MUST still have a collar with tags on at all times. Per our contract, we take all our animals back if for any reason you can't keep your adopted animal. Please understand the statements about this animal are based upon the foster home's evaluation of the animal. The animal might behave differently (negatively or positively) in your home. While the animal might be good with the current foster’s dogs, cats, children, etc., it may not be with your animal(s) or children. The animal may be housebroken or litter trained in the home of the foster but may relapse in your home. The animal is represented to the public as it performs in the foster home and any statements made regarding the animal are conditional to that foster home setting. Please understand that statements made regarding this animal are simply overviews and are not guaranteed. The Petfinder.com system requires that we choose a predominant breed or breed mix for our animals. Visual breed identification in animals is unreliable so for most of the animals we are only guessing at predominant breed or breed mix. We get to know each animal as an individual and will do our best to describe each of our animals based on personality, not by breed label. Thank you for looking through our list of animals needing forever homes and choosing rescue first. We appreciate you stopping by.Other Pictures of Grizz â¥-ADOPTED 11.29.13 (click to see larger version):
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